TRUTH IS CONCRETE - General Assembly I
Sep 22 2012, 6:16 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Minutes General Assembly Saturday 22nd September
Sep 22 2012, 6:19 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Topics to discuss:
Sep 22 2012, 6:19 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Laura NY= Voting versus consensus
Sep 22 2012, 6:20 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Should we be in total agreement or not?
Sep 22 2012, 6:20 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Discuss working groups that we can form to propose co-ordinated international eforts
Sep 22 2012, 6:22 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Public/Private institutions=how to go forward, how we can use them
Sep 22 2012, 6:23 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Topic discussing tactics of everyday assemblies
Sep 22 2012, 6:24 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Discuss governmental strateges of co-ordination- how co-ordinators themselves can be democratically responsible
Sep 22 2012, 6:25 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Discuss how we can overcome competition within activism (win.lose)
Sep 22 2012, 6:26 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Discuss Syrian situation
Sep 22 2012, 6:27 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): What are the collectives' goals for the planet? As a group, what are our top 5 priorities?
Sep 22 2012, 6:27 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): 1. Put 4 of these points in to one topic on point 1. international affairs
Sep 22 2012, 6:28 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): point 2. internal affairs
Sep 22 2012, 6:29 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): point 3. governmental co-ordination
Sep 22 2012, 6:31 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): 2 Umbrella headings: Discuss first Internal affairs, secondly International affairs
Sep 22 2012, 6:32 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Internal affairs. 1. Voting- how we go about it? Shall we all be in agreement or i this problematic?
Sep 22 2012, 6:33 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Consensus strategy could overpower those members in the group who are less confident.
Sep 22 2012, 6:33 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): A system whereby majority rules could mean those who are more timid can have a say- what are our thoughts?
Sep 22 2012, 6:34 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Sherie from occupy Brooklen had a 90% consensus
Sep 22 2012, 6:34 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): She felt that some of the stuff proposed should not have been agreed upon
Sep 22 2012, 6:35 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Sometimes tactic became divisive
Sep 22 2012, 6:35 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Tactic that worked- breaking in to smaller discussion groups
Sep 22 2012, 6:36 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): This was a more fruitful process- breaking off to educate us on the topic of voting
Sep 22 2012, 6:37 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Benny from Berlin-thinks this point is not appropriate for this general assembly as we do no have to vote collectively on any topics discussed.
Sep 22 2012, 6:38 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Sometimes consensus is problematic- if we have limited time and large issues, it is difficult.
Sep 22 2012, 6:39 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Proposal- divide in to groups. More people can have input.
Sep 22 2012, 6:40 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Cnclusion: Some people in favour of consensus, some not. Some think there are better ways ie. working groups. Topic closed.
Sep 22 2012, 6:41 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Next topic- Working groups.
Sep 22 2012, 6:42 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Concept of working groups- are bodies outside of assembly that meet to discuss topics. Acts as de-constructing the consumption model for activist culture and the talks we are hearing. The working groups can discuss what we have learnt further and where we can take these learnings.
Sep 22 2012, 6:43 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): How we can co-ordinate international actions.
Sep 22 2012, 6:44 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Make working groups to discuss strategies.
Sep 22 2012, 6:45 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): James- in agreement that goes beyond talks, thinking towards what we can do in the future. People will participate. Proposes an extended collective action ie. utilising internet
Sep 22 2012, 6:46 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Talk on a feminist working group- having talks on feminism in a prime time setting.
Sep 22 2012, 6:46 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): # What can we do on a more practicle level over this week?
Sep 22 2012, 6:47 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): # Interest in co-ordinating media in video content across globe
Sep 22 2012, 6:48 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): # Some concern over reliance on digital media use- can tangible face to face meetings be more effective?
Sep 22 2012, 6:55 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Conclusion: Strong support in favour of working groups. 4 working groups; 1.'international affairs' working group First meeting today after meeting in cafeteria 2. Feminism = Meet after meeting in cafeteria and decide where to go. 3. Action working group. Meet 6pm Caetria 4. Communication working (digital media) groups meet cafeteria 5. Artivism working group meet 6pm in cafeteria after lecture on 'politics of artistic practices'
Sep 22 2012, 6:56 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Close topic on working groups.
Sep 22 2012, 6:56 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Next topic: General Assemblies
Sep 22 2012, 6:58 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Would like synergy with discussing topics/working groups/common action as opposed to making complex system of interaction.
Sep 22 2012, 6:59 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Proposes to divide in to groups now or continue with it in tomorrows general assembly.
Sep 22 2012, 6:59 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Close topic
Sep 22 2012, 7:00 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Next topic: Public institutions
Sep 22 2012, 7:00 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): In public spaces- ie.squares, you may discuss revolutionary tactics/debates etc
Sep 22 2012, 7:01 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): In public institutions one must be invited and therefore it is a more closed interation.
Sep 22 2012, 7:01 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Let us discuss ways of taking issues to a more public sphere- how?
Sep 22 2012, 7:02 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Art institutions are running like galleries- elevating artists but not discussing or inviting people on a ground level.
Sep 22 2012, 7:04 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Point brings another issue- it is vital to discuss conditions of participants before beginning discussing. We have common ground in that we are invited to these public institutions- we have priviledges
Sep 22 2012, 7:04 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): # Discuss exclusivity and how this affects our decisions
Sep 22 2012, 7:05 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Big issue- how we can relate to 'the people'? How can we share the stage?
Sep 22 2012, 7:07 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): What is 'concrete' here?
Sep 22 2012, 7:07 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): What is concrete is the priviledges we have collectively in order to get here.
Sep 22 2012, 7:08 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): We must offer a level of transparency of the institution(s) running this conference.
Sep 22 2012, 7:08 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Banks/governmental sponsorship etc.
Sep 22 2012, 7:09 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): We need to know the ins and outs behind the 'Truth is Concrete' conference.
Sep 22 2012, 7:09 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Suggestion- Workshop on Monday on institutional practice
Sep 22 2012, 7:12 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): We are implicated in what this instition does= we must realise our implication within the system before we can change how we go about the issues.
Sep 22 2012, 7:13 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Interest in actions that take place in public spheres and how institutions adopt these actions
Sep 22 2012, 7:14 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Concern over transparent frameworks- defending the institution- these frameworks intentionally set up.
Sep 22 2012, 7:16 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Institutional critique
Sep 22 2012, 7:17 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): If people woudl like to discuss further- please talk to ,Legwork'
Sep 22 2012, 7:19 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): How do we become more inclusive of the people of we're trying to act on behalf of?
Sep 22 2012, 7:20 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): This institution can act as a channel that allow us to focus on certain topics.
Sep 22 2012, 7:20 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Suggestion of thinking about institutional links to corporations.
Sep 22 2012, 7:21 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Language- within language, there are many possibilites of understanding
Sep 22 2012, 7:25 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): We are not in agreement with the complexities of 'institutional practice'. Some suggestion of reciprocity between the participants and the institution. How can the institution help us?
Sep 22 2012, 7:25 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Topic closed
Sep 22 2012, 7:26 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): International topic- people will tell us in 2 minutes what is concern to us in our countries of residence. Updates.
Sep 22 2012, 7:27 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Insert- Government and democracy topic not discussed fully but has been covered within discussion.
Sep 22 2012, 7:29 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Wanted to raise point of government and how we can represent concerns of people on other side of world. #Mechanisms of representation
Sep 22 2012, 7:30 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Dialetic between the multitudes (people) and the persons who represent them.
Sep 22 2012, 7:31 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Thought - this is fundamental link between art and politics. What are the repercussions behind what we do here and how this affects those beyond the here.
Sep 22 2012, 7:32 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Is it necessecary that we propose in these assemblies that we have to do something or that we can address it beyond the conference?
Sep 22 2012, 7:32 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Re-iterate- working groups will decide upon action.
Sep 22 2012, 7:33 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Timetable of conference allows no time for working groups.
Sep 22 2012, 7:34 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Assemblies can be used as time and space for working groups. Can we re-structure the actual conference?! Can we re-frame the week?
Sep 22 2012, 7:34 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): General assembly as space for said interation.
Sep 22 2012, 7:35 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Closing thoughts- Assemblies are another tool for movement in order to communicate and co-ordinate.
Sep 22 2012, 7:35 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): one more tool.
Sep 22 2012, 7:37 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Hektor would like to re-iterate he is representing himself, not a particular movement.
Sep 22 2012, 7:38 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Proposal - Question of goverence?
Sep 22 2012, 7:42 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Propsal - talk on international affairs now or tomorrow? Proposal- talk more organically Proposal- Address question of why we're all here.
Sep 22 2012, 7:43 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): People here have been invited or have come independently to open conference.
Sep 22 2012, 7:45 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Proposal for tomorrow to talk in small groups.
Sep 22 2012, 7:46 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Proposal- in last 15mins- who we are and what are our goals for being here.
Sep 22 2012, 7:47 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Discussion now on how to run the assembly.
Sep 22 2012, 7:48 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Agreement of group to pass mic around to say why we are here and what our aims are.
Sep 22 2012, 7:49 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Sam from London- goal to be inspirede by art and politics
Sep 22 2012, 7:49 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): JJ- London- meet more people in order to re-define space between art and politics and meet people to make that happen
Sep 22 2012, 7:49 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): AMber California- what we can do together
Sep 22 2012, 7:50 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Heather- Ukeres- here to see new strategies in interesting domain.
Sep 22 2012, 7:50 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Vienne- came here to see what is happening and how we can overcome difficulties together
Sep 22 2012, 7:50 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Anette- came here for inspiration
Sep 22 2012, 7:51 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Steve- Belgium
Sep 22 2012, 7:52 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Ben- Australia
Sep 22 2012, 7:52 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Holland- cnnection between politics and art and design
Sep 22 2012, 7:52 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Louise- Oakland- curious as to is art effective as a political tool?
Sep 22 2012, 7:53 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): China- how artistic strategies can be used to affect change
Sep 22 2012, 7:54 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Ifor- member of arts assembly from Berlin,- interested in if and how this assembly can be effective in beginning a movement such as occupy- a starting point
Sep 22 2012, 7:55 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Pedra from Prague- invited here to speak, wants to listen to see if there are good ideas
Sep 22 2012, 7:55 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Noah- NY Occupy Wallstreet- to learn from other struggles and question what is the movement?
Sep 22 2012, 7:55 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Has a magazing 'Tidal'
Sep 22 2012, 7:56 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Brad from Mineappolis US-wants to try to reform notion of general assemblies- seems style
Sep 22 2012, 7:56 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): seems stale#
Sep 22 2012, 7:56 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Singer from Rev Billy- wants to find ways to find this more fun anf joyful
Sep 22 2012, 7:57 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Singer from Rev Billy- interested in getting music in more places
Sep 22 2012, 7:57 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Music as a form of prayer and activism
Sep 22 2012, 7:58 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Louis from NY- here to help illuminate how capitalism helps to create these art instituions
Sep 22 2012, 7:58 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Netherlands- came here to make practice more productive. wants to learn more activist based strategies and how to implement them in to practice
Sep 22 2012, 7:58 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Annetta from Poland- interested in new forms of organising and doing art
Sep 22 2012, 7:59 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Belgium- struck that assembly didn't talk about art at all
Sep 22 2012, 7:59 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): jamie from Berlin and Ny-visual artist and filmmaker- wants to figure out how to get better at doing
Sep 22 2012, 8:00 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Dagna from Warsaw- here for inspiration, exchange and to empower herself as artist
Sep 22 2012, 8:00 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Geneva- here to meet people, to have inspirations and make networks
Sep 22 2012, 8:00 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Assembly summation:
Sep 22 2012, 8:01 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Assembly closed
Sep 22 2012, 8:02 PM
ASSEMBLY (guest): Minutes taken during assembly as a rushed transcript by "China"